
Legislative Council is made up of the leadership from the Senate and the House of Representatives. Legislative Council oversees the two nonpartisan, confidential legislative agencies, the Division of Research and the Controller General’s Office. Support for Legislative Council is provided by the Division of Research. 

Legislative Council consists of the following members for Calendar Year 2015.

Senator Patricia M. Blevins (Chair) , President Pro Tempore
Senator David B. McBride, Senate Majority Leader
Senator Margaret Rose Henry, Senate Majority Whip
Senator F. Gary Simpson, Senate Minority Leader
Senator Gregory F. Lavelle, Senate Minority Whip
Representative Peter C, Schwartzkopf, Speaker of the House (Co-Chair)
Representative Valerie J. Longhurst, House Majority Leader
Representative John J. Viola, House Majority Whip
Representative Daniel B. Short, House Minority Leader
Representative Deborah J. Hudson, House Minority Whip