
The Joint Finance Committee (JFC) is responsible for writing the annual appropriations and grant-in-aid acts. The JFC is made up of the 6 members of the House Appropriations Committee and the 6 members of the Senate Finance Committee.
The Committee meets jointly in February and March for public hearings on State agency budget requests. The Committee also meets in late May and June to prepare the actual bills for introduction.

Assisting the JFC is the Office of the Controller General.

The Joint Finance Committee consists of the following members for Calendar Year 2015.

Senator Harris B. McDowell, III (Chair)
Senator Brian J. Bushweller
Senator Bruce C. Ennis
Senator Karen E. Peterson
Senator Catherine L. Cloutier
Senator David G. Lawson
Representative Melanie George Smith (Co-Chair)
Representative William J. Carson, Jr.
Representative Debra J. Heffernan
Representative James (JJ) Johnson
Representative Harvey R. Kenton
Representative Joseph E. Miro